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Creator Tite Kubo’s Bleach Returns in March

Recently and in the absence of new “Bleach” episodes or a new anime arc based on the series,  I have been reading Tite Kubo’s first known manga series, “Zombie Powder”,  which comes in four volumes.  I will post a review once I finish reading the series.  However, and as for now many of you know that I am a great fan of “Bleach”. Okay, so I wasn’t too fond of the live-action film.  As far as reviews go  … “to each their own”.

Nevertheless, today I am delighted in learning that “Bleach” is not dead, and in March “Bleach” will be returning in a brand new stage play.  It is entitled, “ Bleach 20th Anniversary Project & Tite Kubo New Work Presentation”.

While I am on the subject, Asian anime and manga driven stage plays are generally performed in Japan and are very hard, if impossible, for us in the United States to see unless we stumble across one on YouTube.  Therefore, here is a shout out to the makers of these wonderful plays.

“Streaming media series and films have become the norm. How about creating  a paid to view streaming channels loaded with current and past manga and anime based stage plays. Your fans in the States would absolutely love it.”

There I have thrown my idea into the wind. Let’s see if it is caught and made a reality.

Click here to view the teaser website.

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